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It’s no secret that interest in plant-based diets is booming. More than half of Americans are looking to curb their meat and dairy consumpti...

How to Fuel Your Body with a Plant-Based Diet How to Fuel Your Body with a Plant-Based Diet

How to Fuel Your Body with a Plant-Based Diet

How to Fuel Your Body with a Plant-Based Diet

It’s no secret that interest in plant-based diets is booming. More than half of Americans are looking to curb their meat and dairy consumption and eat more produce, according to a survey from the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication. Yet many active people are concerned that going meatless (or almost meatless) won’t give them enough of the complete protein they need to build muscle and recover from their workouts.

The good news: Research suggests that plant-forward diets can be as eff ective—if not more so—at building strength and helping you get the best results from your eff orts. Follow these tips to ensure you fuel your body right.


Our bodies need protein to help repair and build muscle. And it’s true that animal proteins are the most effi cient sources—they have more protein per gram and contain all nine essential amino acids in adequate amounts. But you can still meet your needs with plant-based proteins. The key is variety, because plant proteins vary in their amino acid content, Asche recommends including lots of diff erent nutritious sources—such as nuts, seeds, legumes and whole grains—in your diet for the best recovery.

This doesn’t mean you need more protein than meat eaters, though, notes Rizzo. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that active people aim for at least half a gram of protein per pound of body weight a day but sets the top of the range at 0.8 grams per pound. That’s 75 to 120 grams if you weigh 150 pounds, which adds up quickly, considering that ½ cup chickpeas and 2 tablespoons of peanut butter each contain about 7 grams of protein.


After a tough workout, your body goes into recuperation mode for around 24 hours, replenishing stored carbohydrates and rebuilding muscles so you’re ready for your next session. Since your body can only use so much carbohydrate and protein at a time, the goal is to eat modest amounts of both at each meal and snack to aid in recovery. That could mean a post-run nibble of a piece of fruit with some nut butter or a grain bowl filled with protein-rich bulgur wheat and veggies for lunch.


As you swap animal food sources for plants, there are a few important nutrients to be aware of. Regular workouts can deplete your stores of  iron and lead to fatigue. Many plants contain non-heme iron, but it’s not absorbed as well as the heme variety found in animals. Adding vitamin-C-rich foods such as bell peppers and broccoli to your meals can improve iron uptake. Other nutrients you may fall short on include vitamin B12—it’s only found in animal foods, so you may consider taking a supplement—and calcium, which is in plants like soy, fortifi ed cereals and green vegetables (think kale, bok choy and spinach). Your muscles—heck, your whole body—will thank you.