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You made it to the gym. It’s leg day. You have an hour before you need to get finished and back to work. Time is precious. You circle your a...

Mobility Indicators & Mobility Moves Mobility Indicators & Mobility Moves

Mobility Indicators & Mobility Moves

Mobility Indicators & Mobility Moves

You made it to the gym. It’s leg day. You have an hour before you need to get finished and back to work. Time is precious. You circle your arms, touch your toes, check yourself in the mirror, look at your phone and head to the squat rack.


That might be all the mobility work you do before getting under the bar and loading your body up with some weight. And why not? You work hard. You’re looking good. And you’re not injured. You don’t need to waste time on the optional extras.

Except, if you’ve got even a passing interest in getting stronger, or building a body to stand the test of time, you really do. 


Use these three mobility tests to see where you may have issues in reaching full range of motion. These are your opportunity to find out where you need to improve your mobility, so you can apply yourtime in the gym to the best effect


The is a great stretch to see where your hip extension and knee flexion weak points are.

- Bend your left knee and place your shin along the back cushion of a couch (or a chair) with your toes pointed upward.

- Keep your left thigh in line with your body.

- Place your right foot in front, aligning your knee above your ankle.

- Elongate your spine and engage your core and glutes.

- Keep your hips square.

- Hold for at least 45 seconds.

- Switch sides.


This is a posture we should all be aiming towards being able to achieve. Itrequires good mobility at the hips, knees, ankles and the lumbar spine.

- Stand with your feet parallel, hip-width apart and toes facing forward.

- Squat down as if sitting in a chair. Your hips, knees and ankles will start to flex.As you get lower your knees will travel over your toes (stay in line with your feet) and your hips will drop over your heels to maintain your balance.

- Try to keep your feet flat on the ground.

- As you get lower in the squat, allow your lumber spine to flex into a natural position.

- Hold in this bottom position for ten minutes or as close as you can manage.


This is a test used by many physios to diagnose shoulder mobility issues. It tests internal and externalrotation, as well as adduction and abduction at the shoulderjoint.

- Reach your right arm above your head, with palm facing forward.

- Bend at the elbow and place your right palm on your left shoulder blade. If possible, see if you can place the hand between your two shoulder blades.

- Reach your left arm behind you, with palm facing inwards.

- Bend at the elbow and place the back of your left hand on your right shoulder blade. See if you can place the hand between your two shoulder blades.

- Try to touch the fingers of your right hand and left hand together.


This is a range of exercises that cover top-to-toe mobility



This stretch targets the chest and front of the shoulder.

- Begin in the prone position (on your stomach), with one hand on the floor and your elbow bent, and the other arm extended straight on the floor.

- With your bent arm, press into the floor and shift your weight towards your other hand, to initiate a stretch in your chest.

- Take your time moving in and out of the stretched position, and try to deepen the stretch with each rep.

- Once you’re comfortable in this position, move in and out of the stretch 10 times, then hold for 30 seconds.

- Repeat this sequence for 3 rounds, then repeat on the opposite side.


This stretch allows you to work on shoulder extension and helps you work against that rounded posture we tend to find ourselves in.

- Start in a seated position. You can sit on the floor with your legs crossed or out in front of you. You can also sit in a chair without a back, if that’s more comfortable.

- Clasp your hands behind your back and then straighten your elbows. Sit up with a tall posture and pull your arms up and back as far as you can. When doing this stretch, focus on squeezing your shoulder blades together.

- Move in and out of the stretch 5 times, then hold for 15-30 seconds on your final rep.



As you lean into this stretch, you want your knee to be over yourtoes as opposed to your shin being straight up and down.

- Get into a lunge position, with your knee and foot about hip-width apart from the elevated leg.

- Keep your chest tall and hips square.

- If you need more of a stretch, you can pull your back knee up off the ground.

- Make sure your hips are square with your upper body, and you’ll be in the right position.

- You can also adjust your back leg to make sure you feel a good stretch in your hip flexors.

- Once you find a good position that is challenging, yet comfortable, sink into the stretch for 30 seconds per leg.

Do 3 rounds for each side.


In addition to opening up the hips, the pigeon stretch can help you work on your hamstring and spine flexibility.

- Start with your front knee bent to a 90-degree angle. You can adjust your back knee to what you’re comfortable with, keeping it bent or extending it.

- Rock back and forth, rotating your rear hip towards your front heel, and then towards the back foot.

- Keep your chest up high, and only take the stretch as far as you can comfortably.

- You can enhance the stretch by straightening out your back leg, which puts you into the full pigeon pose, but only do what’s comfortable.

- Set a timer for 30 seconds and work on opening your hip, then switch sides and set another timer for 30 seconds.

- You can repeat this stretch, alternating sides for 2 more rounds.



This stretch targets yourlattisimus dorsi, quadratus lumborum and spinal erectors. It helps open up your back and gets you ready fortorso rotation.

- Get into a kneeling position and stretch your hands out in front of you. If your quads are tight and they keep you from getting into a deep kneeling position, just sit back as far as you comfortably can.

- Move your hands to your right side, so they’re at a 45-degree angle to your body, until you feel a nice stretch. Take the stretch further, if you can.

- Do 10 reps of this stretch, and then hold it for 30-60 seconds.

- Repeat this motion 3 times, then do the same on the opposite side.


A lot of people struggle with spinalrotation, so this stretch will help you open up new ranges of motion.

- Get down on all fours, making sure your hands are directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.

- Move one forearm directly under your chest near the midline, and then place the back of your free hand on the small of your back.

- Now rotate your body toward the elbow and look upward to the ceiling. To stabilise your body, press down with your support elbow into the ground.

- Do 10 full repetitions, and hold the last one for 30-60 seconds.

- Do 3 rounds of this stretch, then repeat for the opposite side.