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Building a great six pack requires that you do both abs exercises that train your rectus abdomens, and exercises that train the other core m...




Building a great six pack requires that you do both abs exercises that train your rectus abdomens, and exercises that train the other core muscles which complete the look we want.

How to Develop Great Abs (Rectus abdominis)

The biggest mistake most people make with abs training is they don’t perform any weighted abs exercises. The result is the ability to do a bazillion crunches or leg raises, but with abs that look small and underdeveloped.

The abs are like any other muscle: they require progressive overload to grow, and that can only be accomplished by adding resistance to exercises. You don’t have to add weight to all of your abs training, but you must add it to some if you want abs that really pop.

My favorite abs exercises are as follows:

Cable Crunch
Captains Chair Leg Raise (you can start with knees bent, but you want to work  toward legs straight)
Hanging Leg Raise
Air Bicycle
Ab Wheel Rollout

I didn’t just choose these at random - research has actually shown them to be the most effective for training the rectus abdomens and obliques (unfortunately the study disappeared off the Net, but it was led by Peter Francis, Ph.D., at the Biomechanics Lab at San Diego State University).

I’ve found that abs seem to respond best to a combination of weighted and unweighted work. Here’s how I like to do it:

1 set of a weighted exercise like the Cable Crunch, Captains Chair Leg Raise, or Hanging Leg Raise for 10-12 reps (you can add weight to the latter two by snatching a dumbbell in between your feet)
Directly into 1 set of an unweighted exercise, to failure
Directly  into 1 set of and unweighted exercise, to failure
Rest 2-3 minutes

For example:

1 set of Cable Crunches, 10-12 rep range
Directly into 1 set of Captains Chair Leg Raises, to failure
Directly into 1 set of Air Bicycles, to failure
Rest 2-3 minutes

Do 6-9 of these circuits 2-3 times per week, and your abs and oblique will develop. Let
s now look at how we can develop the rest of the core muscles.

How to develop the other core muscles

Heavy compound weightlifting “trains your core better than special “core exercises,“ and particularly when performed with heavy weight (80 percent + your 1RM). My three favorite core exercises are the Deadlift, Squat, and Military Press or Overhead Press. If you perform each of these lifts every week, and perform them with heavy weight, you won’t need to do any other core exercises. And last but not least, I’ve mentioned the serratus several times, so let’s talk about that.

How to develop a great serratus

The serratus anterior muscles are the finger-like muscles attached to your rib cage, and they really complete the “shredded“ core look.

While you can target the serrates anterior with an exercise like the Dumbbel Pullover, I never found this necessary. The exercises that really helped my serrates grow are..

Barbell Row
Dumbbel Bench Press
Ab Wheel Rollout

Amy good weightlifting routine will include the first three (and heavy weights will train your serrates better than lighter weights), and Ab wheel Rollouts are on of the great all-around abs and core exercises.