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We spoke with Julie Jones, wellness expert and personal trainer, about the best bodyweight exercises you can do at home. Whether you don’t h...

The 6 Best At-Home Exercises  The 6 Best At-Home Exercises

The 6 Best At-Home Exercises

We spoke with Julie Jones, wellness expert and personal trainer, about the best bodyweight exercises you can do at...

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Want a better sweat session? Find out which fitness foods can help improve your workout. Want to give your routine a boost? Five key ingredi...

5 Power Foods to Fuel Your Workout  5 Power Foods to Fuel Your Workout

5 Power Foods to Fuel Your Workout

Want a better sweat session? Find out which fitness foods can help improve your workout. Want to give your...

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Don’t spend all your energy on the treadmill if you’re trying to drop a pants size. Strength training is an important way to boost your weig...

Why Strength Training is a Weight-Loss Winner Why Strength Training is a Weight-Loss Winner

Why Strength Training is a Weight-Loss Winner

Don’t spend all your energy on the treadmill if you’re trying to drop a pants size. Strength training is...

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This calcium superstar’s bone-health benefits have been called into question. Here’s what you need to know. Milk has been billed as a mighty...

Does Milk Really do a Body Good? Does Milk Really do a Body Good?

Does Milk Really do a Body Good?

This calcium superstar’s bone-health benefits have been called into question. Here’s what you need to know. Milk has been...

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We need more. We need less. Beef is best. Beans are better. Fed up with your friends’ conflicting Facebook posts? Here’s how you can power u...



We need more. We need less. Beef is best. Beans are better. Fed up with your friends’ conflicting Facebook...

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Keeping your body strong means more than just being able to do pull-ups or carry groceries with ease. From metabolism to hormonal health, he...

Maximizing Muscles Maximizing Muscles

Maximizing Muscles

Keeping your body strong means more than just being able to do pull-ups or carry groceries with ease. From...

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From plant-based proteins to lean meats, these healthy superfoods are loaded with good-for-you nutrients that help increase energy, build st...

Best Foods For Strength Best Foods For Strength

Best Foods For Strength

From plant-based proteins to lean meats, these healthy superfoods are loaded with good-for-you nutrients that help increase energy, build...

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It’s no secret that interest in plant-based diets is booming. More than half of Americans are looking to curb their meat and dairy consumpti...

How to Fuel Your Body with a Plant-Based Diet How to Fuel Your Body with a Plant-Based Diet

How to Fuel Your Body with a Plant-Based Diet

It’s no secret that interest in plant-based diets is booming. More than half of Americans are looking to curb...

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Imagine you have a brick wall in your backyard. It’s functional enough, but you’ve got your sights set on replacing it with a larger, strong...

Principles of Strength: The Essential Guide to Resistance Training, Nutrition, and Effective Recovery Principles of Strength: The Essential Guide to Resistance Training, Nutrition, and Effective Recovery

Principles of Strength: The Essential Guide to Resistance Training, Nutrition, and Effective Recovery

Imagine you have a brick wall in your backyard. It’s functional enough, but you’ve got your sights set on...

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