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The most overlooked — and underrated — cardio machine in the gym just might be the indoor rower. Also known as an ergometer (or “erg” among ...

Indoor Rower for a Total-body and Fat-blasting Workout Indoor Rower for a Total-body and Fat-blasting Workout

June 2023

The most overlooked — and underrated — cardio machine in the gym just might be the indoor rower. Also known as an ergometer (or “erg” among enthusiasts), the rower offers a highintensity, full-body burn: A 64 kilogram woman rowing at a good pace can blast 119 calories in only 15 minutes. Rowing is multifaceted in its benefits—there is virtually no impact, it can be as intense as you want, and it’s versatile enough for any fitness level.

Many think of rowing as primarily an upper-body work-out, but it actually works the entire body, including your upper back, shoulders, arms, core, glutes, hips, and especially legs. Before you hop on a machine and start pulling, keep in mind that form is the key to getting a good workout and preventing injury. New erg users “tend to pull with their back rather than pushing with their feet, which can lead to back injury,” explains Childs. Newcomers often just go for speed or do the mechanics out of order, both of which compromise results.

To stroke, first push off with your legs, then pivot your back, then pull the handle toward your body, bringing it level with the bottom of your sports bra. Follow that order (legs, back, arms) to aid your technique. Then to come back, aka the recovery, reverse that order: Extend your arms, bring your core forward, and then bend your knees into your catch position. The entire stroke, both the drive and recovery, should be completed in one fluid motion.


Once you’ve got your form set, try this total-body burner. There are no built-in breaks, so just rest as needed.

WARMUP (8 TO 10 MIN.):

Get on the erg and focus on the parts of stroke and recovery to improve technique.


Focus on increasing your stroke rate by taking about 10 to 15 strong strokes at the following pace (strokes per minute): 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 28, 26, 24, 22, 20.

Strength moves:


Hop off the rower and do the following exercises for 45 seconds each: pushups, squats, crunches, planks.


Pick up the pace and row for 20 seconds (try to maintain a 24 to 26 stroke rate), then recover for 20 seconds; repeat. Then row hard for 40 seconds, with 20 seconds of recovery, two times. Finish with 60 seconds of hard rowing, with a 20-second recovery after each.

Strength moves:

Hop off the rower and do the following exercises for 45 seconds each: side plank left side, side plank right side, V-up, Russian twist.


Go as far as you can in three minutes, aiming for at least 600 meters. (If you pass this number, keep going.) Recover for 60 to 90 seconds, then repeat, trying to add an additional 20 meters to your previous distance

Finish with a few minutes of total-body stretching. 

1. Plan your food shopping in advance, keeping in mind what you are going to need in your quest for fat and calorie-control. Then stick to t...

150 Ways To Slim Down Your Meals 150 Ways To Slim Down Your Meals

June 2023

1. Plan your food shopping in advance, keeping in mind what you are going to need in your quest for fat and calorie-control. Then stick to that list.

2. void impulse buying which is more likely if you have the wherewithal to pay for those impulse purchases/if you shop for food when you are hungry/if you shop when you are too tired to think smart on your feet. Impulse buying is likely to load your shopping basket with foods you never intended to buy, and many of them are likely to be poor choices nutritionally.

3. Read food labels and choose those foods that are lower in fat and saturated fat. You need to be aware of the sources of saturated fats in foods.

4. Buy low-fat versions of dairy products such as skin milk.

5. Be wary of "health food" traps. Tofu, for instance, is high in fat: soybeans, after all, contain oil.

6. Watch out for labels that say "Reduced fat" or "Lower fat" (rather than "Low fat"). Reduced or lower fat does not automatically means low-fat. These terms only tell you that the shelf product contains less fat than the original one-and that does not tell you much. The fat calories may have been "reduced" from 88% to 85% -but the food is still high-fat!

7. Consider fish and poultry as alternative to red meat; they are someone lower in saturated fat.

8. Most store-stocked salad dressings are primarily fat, with most of it coming from oil. Some also contain eggs, cream and cheese. A fat-free dressing will usually list water as its first ingredient, followed by vinegar, sugar in one of its forms (eg. corn syrup), spices, and sometimes lemon juice or tomato paste.

9. Ground chicken can contain both light and dark meat, as well as skin and fat-and more than half of its calorie could well come from fat. To ensure the ground chicken you eat is low in fat, buy lean, skinless portions and grind the meat at home yourself.

10. Cottage cheese stands alone in the category of natural cheeses that get less than 20% of their calories from fat. Among regular high-fat cheese (over 70% calories from fat) are cream cheese (88%); neufchatel (81%); brie (75%); cheddar (74%); and blue cheese (73%)

11. Non-Stick Cookware: If you have ever been guilty of attempted weight loss you will know that one of the prime accessories after the fact (that you failed) is that old-fashioned frying pan which allowed your food to have a gay old time absorbing a great deal of oil and delivering it straight to your hips. In contrast, a non-stick pan allows you to cook food using just a thin film oil. For instance, instead of coating a chicken breast with batter and frying it (which can double the fat), saute it in a non-stick fry pan and you can virtually eliminate the fat...

12. Pressure Cooker: By making healthful cooking a matter of convenience, the pressure cooker makes a practical contribution to your weight-loss effort. Dried beans that normally take an hour and a half, for instance, are done in 10 to 15 minutes, wild rice in less than 10 minutes compared to the usual 45.

13. Blender: Use it make contemporary low-fat smoothies that centre on skim milk (or buttermilk) and fruits. Try, for instance, this breakfast-on-the-run: a banana, a cup of buttermilk, a teaspoon of vanilla and a pinch of sugar if you must. Top with chopped dry fruits or with fresh fruit of the season.

14. Roasting Rack: Its fat-cutting favour works on the simple principle that, as meat or poultry roasts upon an elevated rack, the fat drips into a pan below, leaving the roast with less fat than if it were allowed to sit around in its own grease.

15. Skewers: It allows you to exercise instant fat and portion control. Your meal-on-a-stick can contain a few juicy bites of meat or fish while its bulk is made up of colourful vegetables-capsicum, cherry, tomatoes, onion, quarters, corn.

16. Steamers: It allows you to retain more nutrients than when you boil foods in water.

17. A Cheese Grater: It will help you to measure out judicious amount of cheese, the most popular varieties of which can contain as much -or-more-fat as well- marbled red meat. The grater should also incorporate a slicer that will make ultra-thin cheese slices with less fuss than a knife.

18. A food scale: It takes the guess-work out of weighing ingredients.

19. Spice and Condiment Tools: Any seasoned cook knows that a little flavoring goes a long way.

20. A Food Diary: An invaluable aid to weight control. At the outset, list the foods you have eaten over three typical consecutive days (preferably including one of the weekend days). Make sure you put down all the nibbles and guzzles and all the spoonfuls of tasting you may have done in the kitchen. Make your entries every day. Don`t trust your memory, If you tried today, could you remember everything you ate three days ago, and in what amounts?

21. Bake, roast, poach, steam, boil or grill foods instead of frying them. Or try stir-frying, with very little fat, using a non-stick work.

22. Wherever possible, avoid using butter, ghee, lard and other sources of saturated fat. Replace them with small amounts of unsaturated fats (e.g. vegetables, oils such as corn oil, groundnut oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil or olive oil).

23. Saute meat or vegetables in broth, fruit juice, wine or Worcestershire sauce, instead of oil.

24. Mix one-fourth to one-third of the oil, ghee, butter or margarine in most conventional recipes. It won`t affect the flavour of the food.

25. Make sure the oil is sufficiently hot before you put in food for frying. Cold oil tends to soak into the food.

26. Try lemon juice, vinegar, herbs or spices to season foods instead of butter or margarine.

27. Brinjal absorbs more oil in cooking than any other vegetablefour times as much in deep-frying as potatoes. Try baking or steaming it instead.

28. Shred or grate cheese whenever possible. It helps a little cheese go a lot further.

29. Rinse regular cottage cheese by placing it in a strainer under cold running water. This removes a considerable amount of cheese`s fat (as well as some of the sodium).

30. Add a rich "meaty" flavour to a vegetarian stew without upping the fat or cholesterol by adding two tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder to the pot.

31. Bake, rather than deep-frying, onion rings for, say, a steak accompaniment.

32. Toast, rather than frying, bread cubes for croutons.

33. Make a creamy but low-fat blend for mashed potatoes, using a puree of equal proportions of low-fat cottage cheese and skim milk.

34. Use skim milk (and less sugar) in puddings.

35. Use low-fat curds or low-fat sour cream when sour cream is called for.

36. Replace one whole egg with two egg whites in recipes for cookies, cakes and shortbreads. The fat (and cholesterol) are in the yolk, not in the white.

37. Include sweet spices such as cinnamon and all-spice to make up for the flavour that is lost when fat is reduced. Grated orange rind perks up flavour, too.

38. Use fruit juice instead of some of the fat in cakes.

39. Replace whole milk with low-fat or skim milk.

40. Make single-crust pies: for instance, try a crust made with 1 cup of cream-cracker crumbs and 3 tablespoons of soft margarine.

42. Give that old Vinaigrette a new, slim look by altering proportions. Instead of the traditional three-to-one ration of oil to vinegar, try a one-to-one ratio or even lower say, one part oil to two parts vinegar. You will get around calories per tablespoon instead of the 90 you get in the standard version.

43. For a creamy, thick texture in dressings and dips, substitute sour cream and mayonnaise with pureed non-fat cottage cheese or low-fat cream, low-fat yoghurt, skim milk or buttermilk as a base. Flavour with herbs and spices.

44. You can also slim down your dressing by stretching it with de-fatted stock, wine, honey or fruit juice.

45. Go all the way--- with a nonoil dressing. for instance, vinegar blended with mustard and apple juice--terrific with cabbage, cauliflower and carrot salads.

46. Prepared low-calorie salad dressings are now available around the world, including health-food stores.

47. Skewer small cubes of skinless chicken that have been rubbed with chopped lemon grass, garlic and a bit a salt. This is so flavorful, you won't even stop to remember how healthful it is.

48. Another spice rub for skinless chicken or for fish fillets: combine and grind 2 tablespoons of peppercorns with 3 tablespoons each of coriander seeds and cumin seed. Then add 3 tablespoons of red chili powder, 2 tablespoon of ginger powder and 1 tablespoon of curry powder. Grind till blended, rub on chicken or fish and grill.

49. Use skim milk when making "cream" sauces.

50. Sub for a classic white sauce with a puree of low-fat cottage cheese, thinned with skim milk and mixed with sauteed onion and garlic.

51. Instead of mayonnaise-heavy tartar sauce for fish, try pureed cooked red peppers.

52. For grilled fish fillets, black bean sauce makes a light accompaniment.

53. A mint sauce (mint, vinegar and sugar) is a tangy but fat free accompaniment for hot mutton roast.

54. Alfredo sauce is not the only thing with which to toss pasta. What a pasta sauce calls for is something that will coat the noodles while adding flavour to the dish. Tomatoes alone can do the trick; and they really come alive when they are paired with ingredients like fresh, chopped, garlic, basil, roasted red peppers balsamic vinegar.

55. Another substitute for cream sauce for pasta: White beans (or other beans) pureed with chicken stock and seasoned with herbs of your choice.

56. Beans can also give a dip a creamy texture without the fat. One hors d`oeuvres creation to try: Kidney beans pureed with garlic, red chili powder, powdered cumin seed, lime juice, olive oil and salsa; stir in chopped onion and coriander leaves.

57. Make a guilt-free dip for crudites by beating in a few tablespoons of chopped spring onions into a cup of yoghurt cheese.

58. When buying , select the lean cuts-eye of round, top round, topsirloin, round tip, top loin, tenderloin, flank steak, T-bone (That`s right-any name tagged with "round" or "loin"; they come from the lean, muscular parts of the animal.)

59. If "round" or "loin" are Greek to you and your butcher, eye ball the colour of the meat-pick the meat with the reddest, appearance and the least fat in the muscle.

60. Limit your intake of processed meats such as sausages and luncheon meats. They are usually high in both, fat and sodium.

61. It's hard to tell how much fat there is in mince. Even mince which looks quite red can be very fatty. But you can remove most of the fat: Cover the mince with water and boil for about 5 minutes. Remove the mince from the head and let it stand for a minute or two. The fat will float to the surface. You can now pour off most of the fat and cook the mince immediately in the usual way.

62. While preparing meat, trim visible fat from the outside and in the seams before you cook it.

63. Marinate in lime juice, wine and vinegar, or in non-fat curd

64. Baste meats with broth, tomato, juice or fruit juice, instead of with fatty drippings.

65. Use buttermilk instead of butter to prepare a gravy for, say, beef stroganoff.

66. Try using less meat in a dish, and bulking it up instead with beans or vegetables.

67. Marry a serving of steak with a side-bar of sautéed vegetables, rather than French fries.

68. Let a meat gravy dish stand for a few minutes after it is cooked so that the fat floats to the top; then spoon it off.

69. Even better, refrigerate the dish to congeal the fat, then skim it off. (You can thicken the gravy with flour if you add a little at a time.)

70. Poultry skin is almost pure fat, mostly saturated. Chicken eaten with the skin can be as high in fat as fatty cuts of beef. By removing skin from chicken and trimming all visible fat, you will get about half the fat.

71. The dark meat of chicken is about twice as high in fat as the light meat. Chicken breast is the leanest part of the chicken.

72. Grill, steam or bake fish rather than having it deepfried in batter

73. Similarly, avoid breading fish before frying. The crumbs tend to soak up the cooking oil like a sponge.

74. But is you fry chicken to a crunch or make it sopping in a cream sauce, you will get in more calories and more fat than you would from roasted pork tenderloin. It is what you do with the chicken, lean and skinless as it may be, that makes the vital difference.

75. Except for deep-frying , other methods of cooking chicken are good low-fat approachesroasting, baking, poaching, grilling (even a stir-trying if minimal fat is used). Of all the methods, roasting a whole bird at room temperature melts away the fastest. Use a roasting rack so that the fat can drip into a tray and be discarded.

76. If you are buying tinned fish, pick the one packed in water rather than in oil

77. Use lemon instead of tartar sauce; avoid creamy and buttery sauces.

78. A prime example: 1 cup of skim milk has about the same amount of calcium as 1 cup of whole milk but only traces of fat and half the calories.

79. The flip side of those first guidelines is this-those foods that bring in mostly calories and little else must be the first you hack away at.

80. Watch for the hidden sugars in ready foods. Some breakfast cereals have such high amounts of sugar in its various forms that sugar is virtually the second, if not the first, ingredients in the product. Yet, even health saboteurs like chocolatecoated cornflakes imply that they constitute a nutritious breakfast.

81. Sugar is the chief additive in processed foods. A food label might list sugar in its many avatars; not only "sugar", but also corn sugar, brown sugar, honey, corn syrup, caramel, molasses, dextrin, dextrose, fructose, glucose, maltose, lactose, sucrose. If any of the ingredients appears high up in the listing you will know the product is high in sugar.

82. Use sugar substitutessweeteners-to sweeten puddings, fruit punches, jellies, yoghurt, frozen milk desserts and many other preparations. However, moderate their use. Some of these still have question-marks regarding safety hanging over them.

83. Reduce sugar when baking. A half-cup of sugar per cent of flour in cakes is sufficient if you add more flavouring such as vanilla.

84.Honey has been elevated to a nutritional pedestal for no deserving reason. It brings in as much “empty" sugar as table sugar. It does contain infinitesimally higher amounts of iron, phosphorus and fibre, but so infinitesimally so that they are virtually negligible.

85. Other foods that bring in a lot of calories and little else include fatty spreads and dressings such as butter and margarine: sugary foods such as soft drinks, candy, candy ices, jams, alcohol.

86. Sprinkle bran on soups, on sandwiches, on sliced fruit....on just about anything your imagination and inclination suggest.

87. Make chappattis, pancakes, cakes and muffins with whole wheat flour.

88. Try a wholegrain breakfast cereal. It does not have to be 100 per cent bran.

89. Buy baked goods made with whole grains such as rye breads, crack wheat bread or oatmeal muffins.

90. Add cooked dry beans, peas or lentils to your favourite soups, curries, stir-fries and salads.

91. Eat fruits and vegetables with their peels: guavas, apples, peaches, sapota, tomatoes, potatoes, and cucumber.

92. Eat fresh fruit or stewed fruit, instead of drinking fruit juice.

93. Don`t skip breakfast, It will only induce mid-morning cravings which you will try to satisfy with anything that`s on hand-greasy burgers, samosas, chocolate, whatever.

94. Yes, it was Mark Twain who said that "Nothing helps scenery like ham and eggs". But then he was a humorist and while that bit of wit can be a great thing to sprinkle Sunday morning breakfast conversation with, it really should not be part of your personal agenda for starting off the day.

95. Be aware that both margarine and butter have the same amount of fat, though margarine, being made from vegetables oils, has no cholesterol. If you must use one or the other, however, prefer the soft margarine that comes in a tub because it has less saturated fat than butter.

96. Better choices at the breakfast table are to spread your bread or toast thinly with an all-fruit preserve or a plannerbased spread you can make at home, flavoring it according to your choice.

97. Watch for the fat traps at the dining table: pickles in oil, avocados, coffee, whiteners (usually high in saturated fat, sneaking in as "hydrogenated vegetable fat")

90. Starting a main meal with a soup fills you up and takes the edge off your appetite at the cost of just a few calories. But we are talking here of light clear soups-not something like vichyssoire which relies for its flavor on the heavy contribution of butter and cream.

99. If you want soup with a creamy texture without using cream give it body by pureeing low-fat cheese, vegetables, starches, milk and seasonings.

100. Another good idea for starters is a garden salad (with a light dressing). If you fill up vegetables, you will eat less of the more caloriepacked items on the table.

101. Even a glass of water before a meal can help you eat a little less.

102. Snacks are not forbidden. But be aware that some kind of snacks can shovel in calories insidiously. Fresh fruit, vegetable sticks, rice cakes, corn-on-the cob, are smarter snack choices than wafers, chivada, cake, mithai and bhajia.

103. Slim down tuna or chickensalad sandwiches by replacing the mayonnaise with low-fat yogurt.

104. In other kinds of sandwiches, choose mustard over mayonnaise.

105. Bulk up sandwiches by using as much of tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers and onions as you like.

106. Blot the grease on the top of a pizza with a napkin-you will eliminate up to half a teaspoon of fat per.

107. If you must shovel in nuts while gawking at the TV, make it nuts in their shells. The more time you spend shelling them, the less nuts you will eat.

108. Beware of guilt when you visit or party with well-meaning relatives and friends. It is still customary for many people to equate how much you eat with how much you love them or how much you appreciate their culinary efforts.

109. At parties, exercise control over alcohol. Drinking is often paired with social occasions where higher-fat foods are often available.

110. In a restaurant, ask the maitre for low-fat menu suggestions, or ask him to consult the chef on what alterations can be made to a typical dish.

111. An aperitif is, by definition, an alcoholic appetizer, but since you are turning eating conventions on their head anyway, what`s one more? Instead of a beer or wine, have a jal jeera, nimbu pani or nariel pani.

112. Restaurants offering all-youcan-eat thalis and buffets tempt you to eat all too much. Buffets also offer you no option to order foods prepared the way you like.

114. Names in a menu listing can be misleading. "Macaroni salad" sounds healthful enough, but it is made with mayonnaise and if you don`t know that, you could end up with an unhappy choice. Other salads that come with greasy dressings are potato, coleslaw and pasta salads.

115. As a rule of thumb, choose grilled, broiled, poached or steamed foods: avoid creamed, buttered, fried foods, or those with a cheese sauce.

116. The "Chef`s Special" is almost always a fat trap.

117. When reading menus, watch out for these terms, which are giveaways to fatty foods.

118. Request that added fats, such as salad dressings, sauces, and coconut chutneys be left off or put on the side.

119. And it is is a rich blend, such as blue cheese dressing (90 calories a tablespoon), use a teaspoon, not a tablespoon, to flavour up.

120. Better still, dip your fork into it before taking a bite.

121. Ask whether side-bars can be changed from French fries to steamed vegetables, for instance.

122. Choose tomato-based sauces and soups, instead of cream based soups like vichysoisse or soups topped with cheese such as French Onion Soup.Clear soup is the best.

123. Many restaurants offer salad bars where you can put together your own salad from a range of ingredients. Just watch it will the dressing, and with toppings like croutons and cheese.

124. Prefer plain broiled fish to batter-fried.

125. Choose vegetable toppings for pizza instead of extra cheese.

126.Ask that foods made in oil or butter be sauteed in wine instead.

127. If you are going to an ethnic catery, you should be at least moderately acquainted with the particular cuisine. If you are not, do ask what menu names or description mean. Some can be red signals for fat. On a French menu, for instance, anything prepared remoulade refers to a mayonnaise sauce.

128. In a Chinese restaurant, whole steamed fish with sauce on the side is good choice. Simple stir-fries are also fine.

129. Low-fat Thai fare includes lemon grass soups; stir-fried noodles and sprouts; lightly sauteed meats. Avoid the coconut based soups and curries, or deep-fried offerings like royal tofu and peanut sauce.

130. Pick you way carefully through a Mexican menu. Gazpacho, grilled meats or seafood, chicken fajitas, black beans soup, plain corn tortillas with a salsa dip, soft chicken tacos or beans in a soft tortilla are among the wiser options.

131. A French restaurant can always dish up fish grille without butter even if it is not on the menu. Stews like ratatouille or bouillabaisse are okay. So are dishes with sauces labelled coulis.

132. In an Italian restaurant, good appetizers are minestrone soup, Cioppino (seafood soup), or steamed mussels in a red sauce. Pasta with a vetegetable or tomato-or wine based sauce is fine, so is pastae fagioli, or spaghetti with marinara.

133. If the cuisine is Japanese, yakitori (meats grilled on a skewer) is a good choice as are sunomono (cucumber salad) and teriyaki.

134. When portion choices are available, order half portions: restaurant serving sizes generally weight down on the side of excess.

135. If you have a choice, choose fruit based creationssomething like a fruit sorbet or a fruit salad (minus the icecream) over a cake or torte or pie. The latter often have crusts laden with butter, or are frequently crowned with rich creams or custards.

136. If a fruit-based dessert typically comes with a fat-rich topping such cream, creme fraiche or a chocolate sauce, request the topping on th side and spoon it on with a light touch.

137. Face-to-face with a seductive or other rich dessert, take a onespoon or one-fork helping only.

138. If you really must have that creme brulee, go ahead and order it-but share it. Even the most elegant restaurant is used to seeing dessert being spooned into a relay of mouths.

139. When you do eat ice-cream, try regular varieties rather than the rich, super-premium types, which are invariable higher in fat.

140. Equally avoidable: what`s know in Indian ice-cream parlous as "American Thick Milk Shake". The name says it all.

141. Ask about special low-fatcalorie offerings:perhaps there is a gelatin and sugarless fruitbased dessert choice for diabetics-and that is good for weight-watchers too.

142. Other low-fat options: desserts that rely on egg whites, such as meringue or angel food cake. Sherbets, ice milk or flavoured ices also won`t do you in.

143. Fresh berries are and excellent choice of dessert if you pass up the cream.

144. Don’t get neurotic about menu alterations. You might get the waiter so harried that he will get the details wrong. Or you might offend the chef`s sensibility if you order a meal that is so bland that is is unappetizing. Give him the basic guidelines, then let him use them as a challenge to his creativity.

145. Having made all those demands-and having had them acceded to -don`t forget to tip generously.

146. Make it your own. Create or choose a weight-control plan that fits your food preferences. Low-fat yougurt and nimbupani are good low-fat choices, but if your palate detests both, there are other equally good low-fat options.

147. Satisfy hunger cravings. But do it with a low-fat option like vegetable sticks or a slice of fruit, not with masala corn chips.

148. Don’t Skip meals. You are likely to end up cheating yourself because you will negotiate with yourself. "I didn`t have breakfast, so I have X or Y". And X or Y, if it is mid morning cheese pizza or a couple of samosas, can add up to more calories (and more fat calories) than a healthy breakfast would have brought in.

149. Use a smaller platter: Your plate will look full so you won`t feel you are shortchanging yourself, yet you will actually be eating less. It is simple trick-but it works.

150. Don’t give up, give in.... a little: If you love cheese or chocolate, don`t vow never to let your lips touch one again. You will hate yourself for bein so "weak" about these weaknesses, and then you will hate yourself for succumbing to temptation as you almost inevitably will.

Even in her 50s, we all know actress Jennifer Aniston still flaunts a pair of seriously sculpted arms. But you don’t need to start lifting h...

Tone Up Your Arms And Wave Goodbye to the Wobble Tone Up Your Arms And Wave Goodbye to the Wobble

June 2023

Even in her 50s, we all know actress Jennifer Aniston still flaunts a pair of seriously sculpted arms. But you don’t need to start lifting heavy weights to rival this A-lister. In fact, the actress favours push-ups as one of her key arm-toning moves.

They might have the reputation for being a big of a toughie, but you’ll certainly reap rewards from practising your push-ups. They can help hone your shoulders, biceps and triceps, while also tightening your core and even your for the warmer weather, when you can no longer hide behind cardigans and long-sleeved tops.

Celebrity trainer Chris Richardson has created a four-week programme that incorporates five arm-firming push-up and plank variations, which you can do from the comfort of your own home or even out in the garden. And you should notice the difference, fast.

“You’ll see an increase in muscle tone, a reduction in body fat and a surge in strength in two to four weeks,” Chris explains. It’s time to give flabby arms the cold shoulder...

Body benefits

Sculpted arms don’t just look sexy, they’re key for a healthy, happy body. You need them for carrying shopping, doing the odd bit of DIY work, or picking up the kids, as much as for showing them off in the sunshine. Plus, they will put you in good stead when you get older. Exercise boosts bone health, and strong arms will help you maintain your independence – think pushing yourself up from sitting to standing and climbing the stairs. Oh, and the more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn.

An all-rounder

When it comes to toning your arms, it’s not just about the biceps. “If you want toned arms then you need to work your triceps, deltoids (your shoulders) and your brachialis (that’s the upper arm muscle that runs under the biceps down your forearms) just as hard,” explains Chris.


Get to know your pair with our anatomical guide

DELTOID This is a rounded, triangular muscle located on the uppermost part of the arm and the top of the shoulder.

BRACHIALIS This is an upper arm muscle that runs under the biceps down your forearm.

TRICEPS The triceps are large muscles on the back of your upper limbs, which run from the elbow to the shoulder.

BICEPS These run along the front of the arm from your elbow to your shoulder joint

Power up in the pool

According to Chris, you need to dive in to tone up. “Swimming is fantastic for firming up your arms, especially your shoulders and triceps, as you use these to propel yourself through the water,” he says. “As it’s a full-body movement you also burn a lot of calories (around 250 calories in just 30 minutes), helping you to tone muscle and eliminate fat.”

Arm watch

Try these classes to hone your arms...


A high-intensity, boxing-inspired class that focuses on speed, power, agility and reaction. It starts with a warm-up, followed by boxing footwork and pair work. It includes four rounds of hard-hitting combinations to work your arms, shoulders and core. For more information visit


Build strength, power and aerobic endurance by using the rower to burn fat and blast through a cardio workout. Lifting can focus on upper, lower or total-body exercises to add variety. All of the moves are scalable from barbells to kettlebells to make it accessible for everyone. For more information visit


Prepare for battle with high-intensity training. Whip the battle ropes, swing the SandBells and bust out a mighty warrior cry! This class will improve power and endurance, while sculpting those arms and strengthening your shoulders, back and core. For more information, visit

Four-week bingo-banishing programme

Love spring, but hate flashing the flesh as the weather warms up? Then this fit-and-firm routine is for you. The plan is made up of compound (or multi-movement) exercises, which use several muscles at the same time. “Lots of people will just do isolation exercises, such as a bicep curl, for their arms (this is where only one major muscle group is targeted),” explains Chris. However, they burn fewer calories and can cause a muscle imbalance. With compound movements, you’ll burn more energy, increase your metabolism and target a number of areas at once – meaning better results, faster.


Reps: 8-10. Sets: 2


Reps: 10-12. Sets: 2


Reps: 10-12. Sets: 3


Reps: 12-15. Sets: 3


Diamond push-up

(Beginner on knees, intermediate knees up from the floor)

Targets: Triceps, biceps, deltoids, pecs (chest).

Start in a plank position, with your body in a straight line. Place your hands together forming a diamond shape under your chest, with your thumbs touching. Lower yourself slowly, keeping your elbows in, then gradually rise back up to the starting position to complete one rep.


Targets: Triceps, deltoids, chest, quads, glutes, hamstrings, core.

Start standing. Jump down into a squat position, placing your hands on the ground. Kick your feet back into a plank position, with your arms extended (hands on the floor underneath your shoulders). Immediately return your feet into the squat position and jump back up to standing to complete one rep.


Targets: Deltoids, latissimus dorsi, core.

Start standing, with your feet hip-width apart. Hinge forward at your hips and place your palms on the floor in front of you. (You can bend your knees to help you get your palms flat on the floor). Walk your hands forwards so you’re in a full plank position – with your shoulders directly above your hands. Walk your hands back towards your feet and stand up to complete one rep.

Bodyweight tricep dips

Targets: Triceps, deltoids, latissimus dorsi (back, behind the arms)

Sit on the edge of a chair and grip the edge of the seat with your hands, either side of your bottom. With your feet out in front of you, flat on the floor, and knees bent, lower your body down towards the floor. Make sure that you keep your back close to the chair seat. Then slowly rise back up to complete one rep.

Plank up down

(Beginner on knees, intermediate knees up from the floor)

Targets: deltoids, triceps, biceps, lats (back), core.

Begin in a plank position, your feet hip-width apart and hands beneath your shoulders, your body forming a straight line from your feet to your head (if doing a full plank). Lower your right elbow to the floor, then your left, coming into a forearm plank. Place your right hand on the floor, straightening the right elbow. Follow with your left arm to complete one rep.

Hit the gym for more focused and varied workouts that will leave you feeling physically and mentally strong To really advance your strength ...

Master the Gym Master the Gym

June 2023

Hit the gym for more focused and varied workouts that will leave you feeling physically and mentally strong

To really advance your strength training, going to a gym is a must. Partly because gym equipment is expensive, and once you start becoming stronger and fitter you’ll need more equipment at your disposal, as well as access a wider range of weights.

You’ll see in this feature we’re predominantly looking at conditioning equipment that provides more cardio‑focused workouts to complement your weight‑focused strength training. Not many of us will have the space or money to equip our homes with state‑of‑the‑art gym equipment, so finding a gym that you like is really the only option. If you are able to try a few gyms before making a commitment, then we’d recommend doing so. If you don’t like a gym, you probably won’t go. Plus, there are so  many different kinds of gym now, you are bound to find one that suits you.

Considering many of us have been working out at home during lockdown, going to a gym makes so much difference in comparison. Not just for your fitness levels, but also mental health and overall motivation. Having access to advice and encouragement as well as just chatting to other like‑minded gymgoers makes yourfitness journey so much more positive.


Your moves should always be: legs, arms, arms, legs.

An often‑overlooked piece of equipment, a rowing machine is actually more beneficial than you might think. Using a rowing machine will work around 86% of your muscles, giving you a full‑body workout. This means that it will help your endurance while strengthening and toning your muscles, making it a great piece of equipment to mix in with your strength‑focused routine. If you are using the rowing machine correctly, you’ll be predominantly working your pecs, upper back, arms, abdominal muscles and obliques, but also quadriceps, calves and glutes. Because the rowing machine is low‑impact, it is suitable for gymgoers of all levels, and is a really good alternative to running or using an elliptical machine. The rowing machine can give you a high‑intensity workout without putting stress on your joints in the same way that running might, and you can easily control your pace and the resistance can be adjusted to suit your ability.

1. Set the resistance to what you would like it to be. Then, make sure the feet pads are adjusted to suit you and you fasten the strap around the middle of your foot.

2. Now lean forward and pull the handle towards yourself. It is important to be aware that bad form can lead to injury or strain. Avoid rounding your shoulders. If you feel lower back pain then it is likely that you are not engaging your ab muscles.

3. Start with your arms extended in front of you, knees bent. With your back straight and core engaged, push back with your legs, then lean back keeping your abs engaged and pull the handle towards your body.

4. Make sure you extend your legs before you pull the handle towards your middle. And ensure you are using your upper back and not your arms. Now extend your arms back towards the base and bend your knees into the starting position.

We’d recommend that you keep things fresh and use a rowing machine in a variety of ways. Just rowing for 10, 15 or 20 minutes is great, but to stop you from getting bored consider incorporating it into your HIIT workouts, or just as part of your warm-up routine. 


✢ 100M ROW


✢ 200M ROW



Your heart rate should be up by now, and your body will be warm and ready for the main part of your strength workout.


Get your heart really pumping with this interval workout. Here we’ll focus on three rowing paces: Base – something you could probably do for 20 minutes without stopping, Push – something you could do for three minutes without stopping, and Sprint – something you could do for 30 seconds or one minute without stopping.
















Don’t underestimate how tough this bit of kit is, and don’t feel down if you can’t keep up pace for long. It will come with practice.

This piece of gym equipment is essentially a super‑charged exercise bike, and when used right will make even the most avid of fitness fanatics break into a heavy sweat very quickly. Unlike the traditional exercise bike, the assault bike adds in an upper body element to really help you step up your workout. The handlebars move forward and backwards independently to each other like they would on an elliptical machine as your feet pedal normally. You can also change the resistance to suit your needs. Like the rowing machine, the assault bike is a low‑impact exercise machine, so it is ideal if your ankles or knees aren’t up to running long distances, or as rehabilitation after an injury. The Assault AirBike is also great for metabolic conditioning and increasing your aerobic capacity without losing strength. 

1.Adjust the seat height and overall positioning so that you can comfortably reach both the pedals with a slight bend in your knee and the handlebars.

2. Now adjust the resistance to suit your ability. If it’s your first time on the bike then start low, as you can always increase it if it’s too easy.

3. Now it’s time to get to work! Start pedalling and moving the handlebars at the same time. Once you are comfortable, pick up the pace and hit it hard!

Similar to the rowing machine, there isn’t really a rule on when to tackle the assault bike. An intense session once a week between strength workouts will probably be enough. Try to increase the resistance as you build endurance  and increase the length of time you go on it, too – as with any exercise, don’t aim for too much too soon as you won’t achieve it and are more likely to give up. Set realistic goals and, most importantly, don’t underestimate how tough the assault bike can really be.

To start building aerobic capability, try 30 seconds on as fast as you can, then 30 seconds rest, 10 times. It might not seem like much, but believe us when we say that 30 seconds on will feel like 60 or more!


Don’t hold your arms in the top position for long as you’ll lose the resistance of the flywheel and lose rhythm

Another amazing piece of equipment to add to your strength training routine is the SkiErg, as it will work your full body. It will help you to build strength and endurance by working the body in a rhythmic motion. Like the rower and assault bike, the SkiErg is also another low‑impact exercise that you can adapt to your own abilities and has the potential to give you a high‑calorie‑burning workout. You can adjust the resistance on the machine, and also the harder you pull, the more resistance you’ll feel, too. It predominantly works your upper body – you’ll feel it on your lats, abs, arms, back and shoulders all at the same time. You will need to somewhat engage your lower half too, but it won’t give you that ‘leg day’ burn.

1. Stand in front of the machine with your legs shoulder‑width apart, and now grab hold of the handles so your arms are above your head with elbows slightly bent.

2. Pull the handles down in front of you, bend your knees and push your hips back as if you were cross‑country skiing.

3. Pull your arms right down until your hands are right by your thighs and arms parallel with your torso.

4. Now, reverse the movement so your arms are back to the starting position and you are on your tiptoes. Immediately pull back down on the cables and repeat.

Once again, there’s no hard and fast

rule as to when you should do this exercise, just try to mix it in somewhere to complement your strength training. You’re heart rate will go up after just a few seconds of using the SkiErg, so build up the length of time you use it for. Try setting yourself a target and time it, then work towards beating that time. Start with seeing how fast you can do 500m, once your time has started to improve, move the target to 1000m then 2000m. Or simply add short blasts of the SkiErg into your interval workouts.

Try the workout on the right…








Start with lower weights until you have mastered the moves.

This is a great piece of kit, but on first glance can look intimidating – especially when there’s a huddle of ‘gym bros’ watching one another use it. The cable machine provides resistance in order to work the muscle you choose depending on the movement you do. The great thing is that it can be totally adjusted to suit your abilities. The cables are attached to weights and the whole thing works as a sort of pulley system. There are usually a wide range of attachments that will complement different moves and you can pull in any direction you want. You can be creative with the moves you do on this machine, but great ones to start with include tricep pull‑downs, standing cable rows, bicep curls and standing chest presses.

1. To do a standing cable row, attach the rowing attachment to one of the cables (it will have two rigid handles).

2. Now set the weight you’d like to pull. Remember, as always, it’s safer to start lower than you think until you know you have mastered the move.

3. Take hold of the attachment while facing the machine and take a few steps back. Keep a slight bend in the knees.

4. Keep your arms right out in front of you and step back until the weight unracks and then pull the weight using your arms towards the centre of your chest. Your shoulder blades should be retracted during the motion.

You can do a whole range of different moves with the cable machine, so you are probably best to choose four or five different moves and then do three sets of 10 per exercise.





















Gyms can seem like scary places, but we promise they are not! Here’s our tips to get you through the door…

If you’re feeling really anxious about going to the gym, it’s often mainly the fear of the unknown. Before you sign up for a membership, ask if you can be shown around the gym. We can’t think of a gym that wouldn’t do that for a prospective new member ‑ and if even that initial meeting still fills you with dread, ask a mate to go with you, even if they aren’t going to sign up. Most gyms do also enforce an induction for your first session, so make sure to book one and actually go. While you are on the induction, ask as many questions as you need. Ask what all the machines do and if you can try them in front of the trainer.

So, now you’ve had a tour of your new gym and been formally inducted you should be feeling pretty good about smashing your first workout, right? If you’re not, don’t worry as this is totally normal. We’ve all felt the dread of doing something new and it’s often worse if it’s a solo pursuit. Before you go, make a plan of what you will do once you are there. Is it leg day? Or are you going to focus on upper body or just do a bit of cardio? Making a plan will help to give you direction and purpose for when you get there and make you less likely to panic your way off-course. Don’t forget, also, many gyms will happily help you to create a plan within the services that they offer, so if you do want extra guidance (or even a personal trainer), ask at your induction.

Finally, remember that it is likely that everyone in the gym has something that they are self‑conscious about. Plus everyone has been the gym newbie at some stage. Most importantly, we’re sorry to say, nobody is watching you. Everyone is there for a reason and that reason is not to watch you. You do all share one thing, however, you are all there for some form of self‑improvement and that is such a beautiful thing. A room full of people just trying to be a little bit better. Embrace that and enjoy the experience


Fill your gym bag with a few essentials Make sure you don’t get on the wrong side of trainers and other gymgoers with these dos and don’ts


1. Ask for help if you need it. There’s nothing more frustrating for trainers at the gym than watching people using equipment incorrectly. You might hurt yourself and you probably won’t actually be getting the benefits you think.

2. Clean equipment after you use it. Even before a Covid world, it was best practice to wipe down equipment after you use it. There’s nothing worse than sitting down on a sweaty seat

3. Put equipment away. You might be doing a series of moves and require multiple pieces of equipment, but if you aren’t using something, wipe it and put it back.

4. Stay off your phone. Try to limit your distractions wherever it is possible. You won’t be totally focused on your workout if you are busy checking messages and notifications.


1. Drop weights. Dropping weights can damage equipment and if they are free-weights, you’ll have no control of where they’ll fall when you do send them clattering to the floor. Broken toes and bruised shins are not desirable.

2. Hog a machine. If you’re visiting a gym at peak hours, limit yourself to 15 minutes on a machine as there might be people waiting to use it. You can always go back to it later.

3. Stare at people. Even if you aren’t selfconscious, other people in the gym might be. By all means chat to people if they want to engage but don’t gawp at people as you might put them off.

4. Walk behind someone wielding a heavy weight. You should give most people a wide berth, but if you breeze past someone squatting with a heavy barbell, they could hurt you or themselves.


Fill your gym bag with a few essentials

Water bottle

Most gyms have water dispensers, but you’ll need to take your own bottle to fill up. It is so important to have a drink before a workout, and also to stay hydrated throughout. You’ll have much more energy and your muscles will probably recover better.


We’d like to hope you’ll be getting nice and sweaty while you are at the gym, so a towel is a good idea to wipe your dripping face. They are also handy to wipe your hands on if they are sweaty when you are trying to lift weights to help with grip.

Smart watch

Track the calories that you are burning and also keep your eye on your heart rate when you work out. You only have one heart, so take care of it, and remember to ask your doctor for advice before upping your workouts and cardio – especially if you have a history of heart conditions.


Sometimes the music in the gym is banging and you won’t want to listen to your own music, but for times when you need full focus on your workouts, having your own headphones to hand is a great idea. Or for when you don’t need to hear Karen and Janice’s work drama over on the static bikes.

Notebook and pen

This might feel like a strange one, but if you are taking your weight training seriously, then having the ability to record the weight and reps you are lifting is important. You can also just use it to write down your workout plan for the day to keep you on track.

Take your workouts to the next level by utilising essential exercise equipment When it comes to strength training, you can only get so far b...

Get to Grips with Strength Training Equipment Get to Grips with Strength Training Equipment

June 2023

Take your workouts to the next level by utilising essential exercise equipment

When it comes to strength training, you can only get so far before you need to start adding in weights and other equipment to progress.

Having a range of gear to hand will mean you can keep your workouts interesting by varying the moves and routines that you do. The worst thing you can do is stick to the same set of exercises every workout because you won’t be pushing your body in the way that you need to, plus you’ll get bored and complacent.

So, with that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the equipment you need to keep things interesting.


This might seem basic, but having access to a proper exercise and weights bench will transform your training – an adjustable one is even better. A bench can adapt to a variety of training styles, and we’ll talk you through a few exercises that you can do using the bench without other equipment. However, if you are going to start lifting weights seriously, then an adjustable bench will enable you to do a greater combination of exercises. The adaptability of the bench means that you’ll be able to focus on specific areas of your body. From bench presses, one-arm dumbbell rows, reverse flies, shoulder presses, reverse crunches, lateral bench hops, isolated biceps curls, skull crushers and decline push-ups, there’s a huge range of exercises that you can do with this equipment.


Tricep dips

Try 3 sets of 10 reps

Sit on the edge of the bench on the longest side. Place your hands either sides on your hips, legs straight out in front of you, fingers facing forwards and then, with control, lower yourself off the bench. Keep your elbows tight and pointing backwards. Now press yourself up and repeat without sitting back on the bench. If this is too hard, start with your legs bent.

Elevated press up

Try 3 sets of 10 reps

Place your hands on the bench shoulder-width apart and get into a  press-up position. Now lower yourself so that your chest hovers one inch above the bench, press yourself back into the starting position and then repeat. Try holding yourself in the bottom position as long as possible, or lower yourself as slowly as you possibly can to change things up and make the exercise more challenging.

Rear foot elevated split squat

Try 3 sets of 20 reps (each leg)

Take two steps away from the bench, facing so that it is behind you. Rest the top of your foot on the bench behind you and lower yourself into a split squat. Make sure to drive your front knee outwards as you lower yourself. Drive through your front foot and stand back up tall. Repeat, then switch legs.


Resistance bands come in a few different shapes, but first let’s look at the mini loop resistance band. You can buy them in various resistances (often light, medium, heavy, extra heavy). The thicker bands are often made from latex but you can also get thicker fabric ones that are perfect for glute exercises. The great thing about all bands is that they are cost-effective and highly portable. They can be used to add resistance to glute bridges, squats, crab walks, hip abductions, lunges, lateral walks, glute kickbacks, plank jacks, lat pulls, overhead presses, single arm rows and more.


Glute bridge

Try 3 sets of 15 reps

Loop the resistance band around both legs just above your knees and lie on your back. Position your feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart, with your knees bent at 90 degrees. Lift your toes off the floor and drive through your heels while you push your hips up as far as you can. Lower and repeat all while pushing your knees outwards against the band.

Side-lying hip abduction

Try 3 sets of 10 reps (each side)

Lie on your side with your hips and knees bent at 90 degrees. Put the loop around both legs above your knees and then raise your upper knee to pull your legs apart, keeping your feet together while contracting glutes. Return to the starting position and repeat. Make sure you do it on both sides.

Lateral walk

Try 6 sets of 10 steps in each direction

Place one resistance band round both of your legs above your knees – if you have more than one band, pop another around your ankles. Lower yourself into a half-squat position while ensuring you are putting tension on the bands. Next, take a step to the side, maintaining tension on the bands constantly. Take 10-12 steps in one direction then change direction and repeat. 


Use of resistance bands were originally favoured by physiotherapists to help with rehabilitation, but now they feature widely in everyday training workouts. Power resistance bands are the most adaptable type of bands out there and are perfect for adding external load to your exercises. For example, completing a press-up with the band attached around your upper back which will make the exercise significantly more challenging on the way up and down. Power bands can also be used for conditioning elements of training such as resistance sprints, bear crawls and other trunk-strengthening exercises.



Try 3 sets of 10 reps

Get into a plank position with your arms extended, and drape the band around your upper back with each end under your hands. Lower yourself down as if doing a regular press-up, and then press yourself back up.

Squat of overhead press

Try 3 sets of 20 reps

Stand on the power resistance band with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the other end of the band in both hands. Start with them at shoulder height with your palms facing upwards. Drop into a squat position then stand back up, extending your arms fully overhead as you do. Lower and then repeat.

Biceps curl

Try 3 sets of 10 reps (each side)

Stand on the resistance band with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the band in one hand starting with it down at your side, palm facing forwards. Bend your arm at the elbow bringing your hand up towards your shoulder engaging your biceps and then slowly lower it back down, and then repeat. 


Build impressive upper-body muscle with a pull-up bar. Pull-ups can be very unforgiving, but the pull-up bar can work a large range of muscles depending on hand placement that just can’t be replicated with any other piece of gym equipment. So don’t give up if pull-ups are your Everest – you’ll get there and feel amazing when you do. If you hold the bar with your palms facing away from you to pull up – you’ll be predominantly working your triceps. However, if you opt for palms facing  you, then you’ll mainly be working your biceps. A wider grip will put more emphasis on using your outer lats and a narrow grip focuses on lower lats. In order to pull your body upwards towards the bar, you’ll be engaging your full core and varying the kinds of moves you do (static holds, pausing at the top, quick reps) will work your muscles thoroughly. Even just hanging off the bar is a great place to start as it will help to stretch your muscle fibres and kickstart strength building.


Standard chin-up

Try 4 sets of 10 reps

Grab the bar with your palms facing you, hands shoulder-width apart. Next, pull yourself up until your chin is level with the bar and, with control, lower yourself back down until your arms are fully extended. Now repeat.

Negative pull-ups

Try 3 sets of 6 reps

Start by standing on a bench or chair and grip the bar with your palms facing you, shoulder-width apart. With control, step off the bench and lower yourself as slowly as you can – aim to take 10+ seconds to lower yourself fully. Release the bar then repeat the process.

Hanging leg raises

Try 3 sets of 10 reps

Hold the bar with your palms facing you and make sure your feet clear the floor with your arms fully extended. Hang on the bar, engage your core, bend at the hips and lift your legs – keeping them straight – until they are parallel with the floor. Lower them with control and then repeat. Bend your knees if you need to make it easier.


If dumbbells aren’t part of your workout routine, then you are doing something wrong and are missing out on a whole host of strengthening exercises. They are a fundamental part of upper-body strength training and are also an easy way to add weight into your lower-body exercises, too. You can get dumbbells in a wide range of weights from 0.5kg all the way up to 30+kg, and if you don’t know what a dumbbell is, it is literally a short bar with a weight at either end. They come using a variety of different materials but the premise is the same. If you are likely to favour heavier weights, dumbbells made from iron are most likely the best option as vinyl dumbbells in heavier weights can often be quite bulky.

With them, you can do basic isolated moves like biceps curls, triceps extensions, lateral raises and dumbbell bench presses. You can also do more dynamic and explosive exercises that work more muscles at once similar to the moves that you’d do with a kettlebell. They are great to hold for squats, lunges and dumbbell deadlifts, too – or pop one across your hips for some weighted glute bridges.

It’s important that you don’t jump straight to heavy weights and instead ease yourself in. It is also a good idea to have a range of weights at your disposal – you might be able to press 15kg with ease but when it comes to the dreaded lateral raises, it’s a different story. If something is really hurting, stop and decrease the weight. You’ll soon work out what muscles and areas of your body are stronger than others and what moves you can start pushing the weight higher on.

With that in mind, once you master the moves and become stronger, don’t just stick at the same weight – increase it in small increments with every few workouts to see real gains and progress in your strength training journey.


Dumbbell shoulder press

Try 4 sets of 10 reps

Stand upright, or sit on an adjustable bench with your back supported, holding a dumbbell in each hand.

Hold the dumbbells level with your shoulders, arms slightly bent with your palms facing towards your body. Press the weights upwards and twist your arms so that your palms end up facing forward – extend your arms fully so that the weights are directly above your shoulders. Lower them to the starting position and then repeat.

Bent over row

Try 3 sets of 10 reps

Stand with a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing your body. Your arms and legs should be shoulderwidth apart with your knees slightly bent. Hinge at the hips at 45 degrees, brace your core, keep your back straight then pull the weights straight upwards, pinching your shoulder blades and keeping your elbows pointing straight upwards. Lower and then repeat.

Lateral raise

Try 3 sets of 10 reps

Stand upright, or sit on an adjustable bench with your back supported, holding a dumbbell in each hand by your side, palms facing inwards. Keep your back straight and engage your core. Now lift the weights, until your arms are parallel with the floor – try to lead with your elbows and they should be slightly bent. Lower and then repeat.


If you really want to build on your strength, you should seriously consider using a barbell with weighted plates and a squat rack. This will enable you to squat with a bar and gradually build the weight that you can handle. You’ll also be able to use the bar to deadlift, plus when combined with a bench, you’ll be able to bench press along with a range of other exercises.

With this equipment, you’ll be able to build your weight more than with dumbbells and kettlebells, but as you increase it’s important that you don’t train alone. Make sure you have somebody close by to spot you and help if you get into trouble.

Barbells will vary, but the bar itself tends to weigh around 20kg on it’s own before you add any extra weight to the ends. Make sure you know how much the bar itself weighs before you start adding more weights.

Exercises that you can do with a barbell include bent over rows, back squats, overhead presses, lunges, front squats, bench presses, deadlifts, power cleans and more.


Squat with a barbell and rack


Strip the bar of weight and decide on its positioning. Ensure that the bar around shoulder height. If you are squatting alone (we wouldn’t recommend that you do) make sure you have set the safety bar up. 


Grip the bar with your hands wider than shoulder-width apart - make sure that you have a central position. Keep grip tight and duck under the bar. The bar should sit on your upper back/shoulders, and not your neck – that’s critically important. Engage core and pull/squeeze your shoulder blades back and towards your bum. Stand and take the bar off the rack.


Step backwards and position your feet. It will vary from person to person – but just wider than shoulder-width with your toes pointed outwards should suit most. Make sure you are pressing through the middle of your foot. Now sit back and squat down (start with just five reps then rack the bar). Do this routine a few times with an empty bar before adding weight.


The kettlebell is a versatile weight that you can use to perform a range of exercises across your entire body, making it essential kit for your home workout station or a frequent friend whenever you visit the gym. It is usually a cast iron or steel ball with a large handle on the top and they come in a range of different weights from 2kg all the way up to 45kg and beyond. Kettlebell exercises are often more explosive and dynamic, meaning fast lifts rather than the slower and controlled movements that you might be used to when using a set of dumbbells. Also in contrast to dumbbells, a kettlebell’s centre of mass extends beyond the hand, which helps with swinging movements.

The classic exercise that we often associate with a kettlebell will most likely be the classic kettlebell swing (which we will talk through in more detail on the right), however there are many other moves that you should consider adding into your strength training workouts. One of them is a deadlift with high pull, where you pick the kettlebell up from the floor in the deadlift position, stand up then continue pulling the weight up your body to face height with your elbows pointing upwards, then with control, lower it, hinge at the hips and place it back on the floor and repeat. Other exercises you can do with a kettlebell include; single-arm rows, Russian twists, goblet squats, clean and press, racked squats, racked reverse lunges, snatches, overhead presses, Turkish get-ups, windmills and more.


Kettlebell swing


Hold the kettlebell down in front of you by the handle. Stand with your feet hip-width apart. The power from this move comes from hinging and driving through the hips while engaging your glutes.


Bend your knees slightly but mainly hinge at the hips, pull the kettlebell back between your legs. Keep your arms straight throughout this move. Now drive your hips forward, straightening your back to send the kettlebell up to shoulder height.


Next, let the kettlebell swing back through your legs and repeat. Avoid using your upper body too much – the power should be coming from your glute muscles and hamstrings. If your back hurts then try focusing on using your hips to generate the power needed to swing.


This is probably quite far from your mind when you start thinking about essential strength training equipment, however the weighted medicine ball is probably one of the most inexpensive and effective pieces of equipment for building all-over body strength. They are great for working a wide range of muscle groups as well as adding resistance into your cardio and HIIT workouts.

In order to choose the correct weight for you, you should be able to lift the ball up over your head 10 times. After 10 reps, your arms should feel tired; if they don’t, you need to go up a weight.

Exercises that you can do with a weighted medicine ball include Russian twist, reaching Romanian deadlift, rolling push-ups, thruster, wall ball, triceps extensions, overhead slams, weighted superman, wood choppers, lunge and twists, squat presses and throw, triceps push-ups and many more. Even just throwing it around (with care, mind) will work your muscles hard.


Reaching Romanian deadlift

Try 3 sets of 10 reps (each side)

Stand on your right leg with the ball in both hands, then bend your right knee slightly and hinge at the hips as you extend your left leg backwards. You can make this more challenging by extending your hands overhead. Your body should end up parallel to the floor, now with control, return to standing and then repeat.

Wall ball

Try 3 sets of 20 reps

You’ll need a room with high ceilings for this one, or find a high wall outside. Simply stand a few steps back from the wall holding the medicine ball to your chest. Bend your knees slightly then power upwards and throw the ball at the surface as high as you can. If you can catch it, do that. If not, let it drop to the floor and repeat. 

Squat, press and throw

Try 3 sets of 20 reps

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the medicine ball to your chest. Lower into a squat position, going as low as you can manage, thenpress through your heels to jump up and throw the ball straight up. Let the ball hit the floor, pick it back up, and then repeat the exercise. 

Strength training is a form of exercise that is centred on building muscle, strength and endurance, usually through the use of weights and r...

Introduction to Strength Training Introduction to Strength Training

June 2023

Strength training is a form of exercise that is centred on building muscle, strength and endurance, usually through the use of weights and resistance. 

It can be quite an intimidating journey to start on because when we think about training with weights, we often picture bulked-up men straining against a set of giant dumbbells. But anyone can take up strength training, and remember that everyone can go at their own pace (obviously, before you embark on any new exercise regime, lifestyle change or diet, you should always consult your doctor first). You probably shouldn’t jump straight to the big weights, either. You can make amazing gains from bodyweight exercises to begin with before adding more resistance.

After a few weeks of strengthfocused training, you’ll soon start building rock-solid abs, see some awesome gains and begin sculpting parts of your body that you never really thought about before. Using weights also keeps your body burning calories long after you leave the gym, so is great for people trying to lose some weight. This method of exercise will build lean muscle while losing body fat, it can help to strengthen your bones and reduce your risk of injury in general because you’ll be stronger all over. Some studies have also revealed that many people feel more positive about their body after taking up strength training, plus it has been found to boost mood and helps eliminate feelings of worthlessness.


If you want to take strength training seriously, we’d recommend approaching a personal trainer. If you are determined to go it alone, though, make sure you set a realistic starting point for your abilities and give yourself rational goals.

There are no rules on how often you should strength train or for how long, but it’s important that you listen to your body and also let it recover. If you are feeling fatigued, we’d recommend calling it a day and at first leave at least a day between each session. Consider starting with a short and simple programme that works out all muscle groups, as this will help to build a strong foundation for you to progress from.

As you increase weights and resistance, strength training can be dangerous if you aren’t doing it correctly. If by rep two of 10 you are struggling, you need to use a lower weight. In a 10-rep set, you should start to struggle around rep eight or nine – if this is happening, then you have chosen a good weight. As you get stronger you’ll be able to increase the weight.

Warming up before your session is extremely important, as it will mean that your muscles are less susceptible to injury. A light jog to the gym might be enough, but you should always do some dynamic stretches to get your blood pumping and muscles warm.

Another important thing to focus on when you are training is form. Good form means that you’ll get more from the moves that you are doing and avoid injuries. Before you start increasing weights, make sure your form is on point. Gyms are full of mirrors, so position yourself where you can see into one, or record yourself and watch the video back. Pay attention to your posture, make sure that you move with purpose and are using your muscles as opposed to momentum to drive the weights. Don’t hold your breath while you are exerting yourself, either – exhale at the hardest part of the exercise to fuel the movement.

Although we want you to approach strength training with care and safety, you should also make sure that you are constantly challenging yourself and ensure that you have goals to aim for. Just don’t overexert yourself. After six weeks or so, change up your routine and make it harder. Modify weight, amount or reps, choose new exercises or even change the order that you perform them.


REPS Short for repetitions – reps are the number of times you complete a single exercise before taking a rest.

SETS Completing a specific number of reps of a single exercise is called a set.

SUPERSET During a superset, you perform two or more exercises back to back followed by a rest period.

MUSCLE ENDURANCE TRAINING This involves performing repeated contractions with muscles or muscle groups for an extended period of time.

MAXIMAL STRENGTH TRAINING The ability to exert force on an external object like a barbell-based exercise – this would usually be just one rep.

EXPLOSIVE POWER TRAINING Combines strength and speed to increase your power. The goal is to be able to move heavy weights very quickly

Muscles explained 

Learn about six key muscle groups and the exercises to work them


This is a large thick muscle in the dorsal part of the upper arm, and the main function of the tricep is the extension of the elbow joint.


Connects the front walls of the chest with the bones in the upper arms and shoulders. The pectoralis minor and pectoralis major are found on either side of the breast bone. The pectoralis major aids with abduction and depression of the arm as well as rotation. The pectoralis minor aids in drawing the shoulder downward and forward.


The abdominal muscles support the trunk, and together with your back muscles, keep your body stable and protect your spine. They allow movement and hold your organs in.


This is a large thick muscle in the dorsal part of the upper arm, and the main function of the tricep is the extension of the elbow joint.


The biceps muscles are located in the front part of the upper arms and are connected to the arm bone. When contracted, the biceps pull up the forearms and rotate it outwards.


These are a group of three muscles which make up the buttocks that help your body to stay upright; the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. The maximus creates the shape of your butt and works when you raise your thigh, rotate your leg or thrust your hips forward. 


Sticking to a steady routine is key to working out. Here’s what you should need to keep in mind

The most important part of any workout plan is to have a goal that you can work towards and a means of measuring your progress week by week. Try your best to pinpoint exactly what you want to achieve.

Before you get started, take pictures of your body – you don’t need to show them to anyone, but they will help you to see changes and progress in your body. Measure the circumference of your chest, waist, hips, thighs, calves and upper arms – do this every week or two to monitor changes. Also, weigh yourself once a week.

Now think about what days you will commit to working out and decide on how to split them. If you are new to this kind of training, we’d advise planning to work out three days a week. It is also important that your workout programme reflects your goals. Consider focusing on different muscles or groups on each workout; train your back and biceps one day, chest and triceps on another, then your legs and shoulders on the third. If you were planning on working out for more than three days in a week, consider a corefocused day as well as a cardio day where you don’t push heavy weights.

Once you know how you’ll split your workouts, it is critical to make a solid plan for each one that includes what exercises you’ll do, and how many reps and sets you’ll do as well as how much you’ll rest between them.

Finally, you must also know how to progress. Make sure that you vary your workouts and make them incrementally more challenging. Consider increasing reps and/or sets as well as the weight that you’re lifting.

Five rules of strength training

RULE 1 Warming up is important You may not feel like you need to warm up, but as you progress and push weight and intensity up, your body will need a warm-up routine more than ever. Start each session with some dynamic stretching, a few bodyweight squats, lunges and walkouts to get started.

RULE 2 Prioritise your hips Not every move will come from your hips, but mastering the ability to generate explosive power through this area of your body is a key part of strength training and is transferable to pretty much everything you do with this type of exercise.

RULE 3 Focus on form If your form is off then there’s just no point in doing the exercises. Take time before you start building up the weight that you are lifting to nail down the fundamentals of each move. Foot placement is critical with this.

RULE 4 Focus and be confident If you go into a heavy lift with wandering focus or a lack of confidence, then you’ll have just set yourself up for failure. Remain focused and believe in your abilities. A strong belief in yourself will come from building up your strength and mastering form.

RULE 5 Rest days are important Once you are in the swing of things, you might feel like rest days are lazy and should be avoided. But this is wrong: they are absolutely crucial. Even if you don’t feel tired, your muscles and bodies need at least one full day of rest a week.

Build strength

Master these basic moves to start improving your strength


Start with bodyweight squats until you are confident that your form is correct. Stand up straight with your legs hip-width apart, engage your stomach and glute muscles before lowering yourself down as if you were sitting in an invisible chair. Your hips should go backwards with your knees remaining over your feet. Hold your hands in front of your chest to help with balance. Straighten your legs up, squeezing your glutes as you do, and repeat. To build strength, hold a kettlebell or dumbbell to your chest as you perform this move – or squatting with a barbell will take this to the next level.


Begin with bodyweight lunges until you are confident that your form is perfect. Start standing up straight and then step forward with one foot until your leg reaches a 90-degree angle. If you can, allow your back knee to brush the floor. Now push up through your front leg and return to the starting position and repeat either on the same leg or alternate. If you don’t feel stable and are wobbling slightly, then try widening your stance. Take this move to the next level and build strength by adding in dumbbells or kettlebells – either hold one to your chest or one in each hand by your sides


Here we’ll talk you through a barbell deadlift. Put the lightest plates that you have onto a barbell to raise it off the floor. Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Position the bar so it is over the centre of your feet when you look down. To find your hand position, run your thumbs down the outer part of your thighs until they touch the bar. Bend your knees so that your shins touch the bar. Lift your chest and straighten your lower back. Take the tension out of the bar, take a deep breath and stand with the weight. Hold, then return the bar to the floor by pushing your hips back and bending your knees.

Glute bridge

A glute bridge is, unsurprisingly, great at working your glute muscles. Lie on your back on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Next, lift your hips off the ground until your knees, hips and shoulders are positioned in a straight line. Squeeze your glutes firmly at the top and keep your abs drawn in. Hold this pose for a couple of seconds and then gently return to the starting position. Now repeat. You can take this move to the next level by putting a resistance band around your legs above the knees and when your drive your hips upwards, push your knees outwards against the band simultaneously.

Renegade row

This move requires a pair of light dumbbells or kettlebells – start with a lower weight than you think to begin with. Get into a press-up position with a weight in each hand. Brace your whole body and raise one of the weights while supporting yourself on the other. Pull your elbow straight back and pause when the weight is alongside your torso. Return to the starting position and complete the move with the other arm, now repeat. Your hips should stay still. If they are moving too much, make sure your core is engaged and consider a lighter weight. If the full press-up position is too much, you can drop down to your knees.

Dumbbell clean and press

Start with two dumbbells on the floor and your feet hip-width apart. Hinge at your hips, pushing them back and bend your knees. Grip the dumbbells and draw shoulders back and down, push feet into the floor and squeeze abs and glutes. Extend hips and knees to get the dumbbells moving up. As they pass your knees, shrug shoulders, squeeze glutes and use the momentum to get them up in front. Thrust elbow forward so you catch the weights at shoulder level, bending your knees. Tuck tailbone in, brace core and press the weights up overhead. Reverse the motion.